Stem and Leaf Diagram in Excel

Stem and Leaf Plots:

Stem and Leaf diagram is simple and useful tool to organize data into groups. Representing data in Stem and Leaf diagram gives the birds eye view of data and gives basic picture of how data is distributed across different Levels.

How to construct Stem and Leaf diagram?

Stem and Leaf plot is created by dividing the data set into two parts, a stem and a leaf. Stem is to the left side of the plot and consists most significant digit and number with less significance are leaves. For example,  number 78, 76, 71 will have 7 on stem and 8, 6, 1 are leaves. In case of 3 digit numbers two digits from left forms stem and 3rd forms leaves.

However the division of digits into stem and leaf is subjected to scope of study. Below is a sample stem and leaf diagram of marks secured by candidates in banking examination.

Below is a video demonstration of Stem and Leaf diagram simulator in Excel.



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