Relative vs Absolute:
To enter a formula using VBA into a single cell, We use
Range().Formula property and assign it to worksheet function.
For Example, VBA code to enter VLOOKUP formula in cell B1 is
Suppose, We want to apply the same formula from Range B1 through B10, then change the VBA
code to
Now, in the new code Range A1 is fixed or absolute for cells from B1 through B10. To change it to relative reference, replace A1 with A:A on the RHS of the code. Now, the new code look like
Replacing A1 with A:A changes the lookup value from Absolute to Relative reference (i.e. for cell B1, A:A is A1; for B2, A:A is A2 and so on..).
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This relative referencing style doesnot work for EOMONTH worksheet function. The syntax for EOMONTH is EOMONTH(START DATE, MONTHS).
In the above formula, If we replace A1 with A:A then it will return #VALUE error. An alternative to get the relative reference to such worksheet functions is replacing A1 with the below formula
the correct code would be