Total Cycle Time calculation in Batch Production System

Total Cycle Time calculation in Batch Production System:

Consider a scenario in batch production (or processing) system where, a batch size of 100 jobs has to undergo three different processes namely P1, P2 and P3 with cycle time of 10, 17, 9 minutes respectively, before they are ready to be dispatched.

In this example, let us learn to calculate the total time required complete 100 jobs.

The total cycle time of all three process is 10 + 17 + 9 = 36 minutes
The largest cycle time is for P2 i.e. 17 minutes

Now, 1st Job starts at 1st minute and ends at 36th minute, Similarly 2nd Job starts at 11th Minute and ends at 53rd minute (ie P1 from 11th to 20th minute, P2 from 28th minute 44th and P3 from 45th to 53rd minute).

Formula for calculating time to complete Nth Job:

= TOTAL CYCLE TIME (36 Minutes) + (N-1) * Largest Cycle Time (17 Minutes)

ie for 1st Job, N=1

                                    = 36 + (1-1) * 17 = 36 Minutes

fro 2nd Job, N=2
                                   = 36 + (2-1) * 17 = 53 minutes

Below is an Excel template built based on above logic from Job 1 to 10. 

    from the above table, total time to complete 10 jobs is 189 minutes.



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