How to add line break and tab space in outlook using VBA?

When working on email automation in Outlook, the content of the mail can be of type Body or HTMLBody. Depending on the type we select we can use html tags or VBA constants to add Line Break or Tab Space in the body of the mail.

Line Break:

Assume MailObj is the Outlook mail object. To add line break between two texts in the body of the mail we can use either VBA constant (vbCrLf) or html tag (<br/>) as shown below.

     MailObj.Body = "This is 1st text" &  vbCrLf  &  "This is 2nd Text"


    MailObj.HTMLBody  = "This is 1st text"  &  "<br/>"  &  "This is 2nd Text"

Tab Space:

Tab space is equivalent to 8 blank spaces. Similar to the above example tab space cab be added to each text using a VBA constant (vbTab).

MailObj.Body  =  vbTab  &  "This is 1st text" &  vbCrLf  &  vbTab  &  "This is 2nd Text"



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