How to enter formula with relative and absolute reference using VBA

Relative vs Absolute:

To enter a formula using VBA into a single cell, We use Range().Formula property and assign it to worksheet function.

For Example, VBA code to enter VLOOKUP formula in cell B1 is
                         RANGE("B1").FORMULA = "=VLOOKUP(A1,SHEET2!A:B,2,0)"

Suppose, We want to apply the same formula from Range B1 through B10, then change the VBA
 code to
                         RANGE("B1:B10").FORMULA = "=VLOOKUP(A1,SHEET2!A:B,2,0)"

Now, in the new code Range A1 is fixed or absolute for cells from B1 through B10. To change it to relative reference, replace A1 with A:A on the RHS of the code. Now, the new code look like

                        RANGE("B1:B10").FORMULA = "=VLOOKUP(A:A,SHEET2!A:B,2,0)"

Replacing A1 with A:A changes the lookup value from Absolute to Relative reference (i.e. for cell B1, A:A is  A1; for B2, A:A is A2 and so on..).


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This relative referencing style doesnot work for EOMONTH worksheet function. The syntax for EOMONTH is EOMONTH(START DATE, MONTHS).

                 Let RANGE("B1:B10").FORMULA =  "=EOMONTH(A1,0)"

In the above formula, If we replace A1 with A:A then it will return #VALUE error. An alternative to get the relative reference to such worksheet functions is replacing A1 with the below formula                                                        INDIRECT(ADDRESS(ROW(),1,4)). 

So the correct code would be

